Take a look inside an industrial dust collector as one of our technicians dawns his PPE and crawls inside the vessel to thoroughly clean the equipment.
Our technician uses a flexible vacuum hose to carefully remove significant amounts of silica (quartz) dust from a large dust collector system. The system consists of hundreds of feet of ductwork, measuring as wide as 8 feet in some places. The extensive ductwork cleaning project was for a company that produces high-purity quartz products for the semiconductor, lighting, and electronics industries.
Read More – A Complete Guide to Industrial Cleaning

The dust, which accumulates from cutting, grinding, and drilling, contains crystalline silica particulates which are classified as a human lung carcinogen. It was critically important for our crew to be properly outfitted with Tyvek coveralls, gloves, and full-face respirators. Additionally, as this involved confined space, we monitored the environment with gas meters.

Maintain Your Industrial and Commercial Dust Collectors with Service-Tech
As always, we strictly adhered to OHSA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) protocols throughout the project. According to OSHA, Silica exposure remains a serious threat to nearly 2 million U.S. workers. It is critically important for companies dealing with hazardous dust particulates to maintain a strict annual air duct cleaning and other equipment cleanings to protect their employees.
Be sure to safeguard your workers with clean air ducts and safe indoor air. What areas of your building need cleaning? Call us for inspections and a free estimate.